
Fees and Materials Charges

Public primary schools provide free tuition for all students. Each school sets their own Materials and Services Charges based on the cost of the items and services provided to the students to undertake their curriculum for the school year. These charges are are set annually by the Governing Council at Salisbury Downs Primary School. This fee covers the cost of books, computer technology and other essential items and services used by students during the course of their study. Additional costs are incurred for students participating in excursions and other activities at school such as sporting teams.

Payments for all school fees, school excursions and uniforms can be made personally at the Front Office by cash or EFT. Other payment options include: debit card over the phone, instalment payments (weekly, fortnightly or monthly), or you can deposit directly from your Bank Account. We also offer Layby for school uniform items. To make a payment arrangement or find out more information, please contact Tanya Hopkins.

Financial assistance, including the School Card, is available to help eligible families with the Materials and Services Charge

Normal school processes and policies apply to all payment methods.

Financial Matters

(Download PDF, 45KB)

School Account

Your child’s Materials and Services Fees will be posted to your address early in Term 1 along with dates to pay your account. There are a number of ways in which to pay school fees including part payments, cash, credit card. EFTPOS, and Bank Transfer.
Our School Office has EFTPOS facilities available for you to pay school accounts for school fees, excursions and other incidentals.
Payment of materials and services fees are due by the end of Term 1 unless other payment arrangements have been discussed with our Finance office.

If you are wanting to make a bank deposit information as follows
Account name : Salisbury Downs Primary School
BSB: 735-047
Acc Number: 071 284

School Card

If you believe you are eligible for School Card you must ensure that you apply every year. If you are eligible for School Card, please visit the Front Office with your Centrelink Health Care Card to apply. Other forms are available from Finance Office if your circumstances are different to those required for School Card

School Card A

This is the most commonly used School Card application. Use this form if you are responsible for your child’s school fees.

  • For use where:
  • your income for the current financial year is over the School Card limits but you experienced hardship in the previous financial year
  • you have had a change of financial circumstances
  • you are self-employed
  • If one of the parents arrived in Australia before 1st of July 2018 (Migrant or New Arrivals

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